Programs 2008

November 25

The November dinner and auction to benefit the Heritage Fund!


September 23

The Society earned the Best Clan Display award at the Columbus Scottish Festival and Mark Johnson with his band, ‘Wandering Aengus’, which is the title of one of the poems of the renowned Irish poet W. B. Yeats, entertained our membership. The other two members of his band are Rick and Pam Butsch.


August 26

Regular meeting. Minnie Hamilton shared a report.

July 22

Governor Steve Bashear proclaims April 2008 Scots-Irish Heritage Month. The proclamation was shared with the membership, which was followed by a talk about Scottish Castles.

June 24

After opening remarks from Vice President, Gary Collins, Society member, Pat Schweitzer shared a talk about the ancient Celtic world.

May 27

A wonderful talk and demonstration of medieval sword tactics.

April 22

Karen Brumley shared the history of bagpiping, styles of tunes and then played her pipes for our membership.

All 2008 previous meeting photos courtesy of Society member Brennan Callan.